Careers Information

At Langtree we strive to give students in all year groups access to information about careers

To view Year 12 Options and Careers Options please click HERE

Post 16 Options: Whether you’re going to sixth form, have a college place picked out, or you’re ready for the workplace, there are plenty of great learning opportunities in Oxfordshire.

Where to study: Most young people in Oxfordshire choose to stay in learning until they are 18.  Many stay on at their school or go to their local sixth form. For those who want something new after GCSEs, college can be a great choice. The advantages of studying at college include:

  • Often a wider variety of subjects than at school sixth-forms
  • No younger children, which creates a more mature learning environment
  • The opportunity to meet new people with similar interests and make new friends

Local colleges: There are lots of good options for sixth form study locally. This includes Sixth form colleges and Further Education colleges:

There are also some private sixth form colleges in Oxfordshire and Specialist colleges who specialise in job areas like arts, technology, science or agriculture. There are also colleges which offer specially designed courses for people with disabilities or learning difficulties.

Carry on learning: Young people should be in learning until age 18. Up until age 18, you have the right to free education. Learners aged 19 or older often have to pay for courses.

If you want to start work, an apprenticeship or a job with fully accredited learning is the best choice. For those who want to start work, but are not yet ready, traineeships are a great choice. These learning and training programmes for young people 16-24 years  combine skills improvement with work experience.

The Apprenticeship Guide: contains concise summaries of every apprenticeship offered in England, plus general careers advice, real life stories, employer advertising, a directory of providers and much, much more. The Guide is fully revised and updated annually, in collaboration with the National Apprenticeship Service. The aim of this site is to promote and support youth education, and not merely for academic subjects we learn in school. Topics such as internet safety and after-school clubs on this site will help ensure a self-sufficient future and a sustainable environment for Oxfordshire’s Youth and visiting families. The site simply is a map for young individuals to uncover where they aspire to be in years to come and find out how to get there. By joining activities, finding opportunities or even just by reading the site’s information, you can develop skills to apply in the future.