Trips and Visits

It is a fundamental belief at Langtree that learning takes place just as much outside the classroom as within, and students have the opportunity to participate in a wide range of residential visits and day trips during their five years in the school. Residential visits include Youlbury camp for Year 7, the Year 8 French visit, a History trip to Auschwitz in Poland (every other year) and a ski trip in Year 10. Other visits, for creativity days and theatre trips, are organised regularly during the year. At Langtree, we believe that such activities provide students with the valuable opportunities to not only learn, but develop friendships, self-esteem, leadership skills and broaden their horizons away from the school environment in the ‘outdoor’ classroom.

The information below is is purely indicative of the trips we will attempt to run each year. Whether a trip or visit actually runs is dependent on a wide variety of factors.All trips are governed by the following policies – Trips and Visits – Charging and Remissions –  Behaviour – Student Code of Conduct: Trips and Visits – and other relevent policies. Polices can be found HERE.

Where non-school uniform is permitted for a trip or a visit, please refer to the Non School Uniform Dress Code. 

* Please note these costs are estimates and may change based upon prices at the time of booking, numbers etc

# Please note some trips have hard limits on numbers – others can be more flexible.