The Langtree Challenge


The Langtree Challenge

 Recognising Achievement and Celebrating Character

Please scroll down for links to the awards criteria and for further information.

At Langtree School, our mission of ‘Putting Learning First’ quite rightly emphasises the importance we put upon academic achievement. Securing the best GCSE outcomes possible will enhance the life chances for every individual student, and this is our core purpose.

However, we are also acutely aware of the skills and qualities all students will need to develop if they are to realise their full potential later in life: leadership, independence, team-working, resilience, communication, confidence, organisation and initiative.

The Langtree Challenge has been designed to recognise the importance of these characteristics alongside academic attainment, and to celebrate the achievement of each individual student in these key life skills. In this way, the Langtree Challenge will encourage students to participate in leadership skills and activities within school and the wider community, which will in turn enhance their employability when they leave full-time education. The challenge is open to all irrespective of academic ability; it is fully inclusive and the Gold challenge is achievable for any student who can display the attributes mentioned above.

Students will aim to complete the BRONZE, SILVER and GOLD challenges during their five years at Langtree. They must be completed in this order.

Students need to present some kind of evidence to the Assessor (Student Leader, Tutor, HOY, TL or SLT) so that it is “stamped”. This evidence could take the form of a photograph, a witness statement, a letter or email from a member of staff, a visual or audio recording.

Students can keep a record of the challenges they have met on the Google Classroom. This will also enable students to evidence their skills when writing a CV or letter of application.  We wish all of our students every success with The Langtree Challenge!

Please click on the documents shown below to see the lists of challenges for each award.

 Current Years 8, 9, 10 and 11  Current Year 7