Student Wellbeing – Resources

Supporting Your Child During Exam Time (Young Minds)
As we start to move towards mock exams for Year 11s next term, Young Minds have launched advice for parents about supporting their children.
Tips include:

Coping with Panic Attacks: Information from the School Nurse

Parenting Smart (Place2Be)

  • The children’s mental health charity, Place2Be, has launched a new website aimed at helping parents with typical situations they can find    themselves in with their children. Advice can be found on over forty topics including: Understanding sibling rivalry . My child is lying, what does it mean, what should I do? My child has trouble going to sleep. My child says ‘I hate you!’ Cultural identity: who am I?
  • Website

Support Students Through Bereavment

Losing someone important to you, recently or in the past, is one of the hardest things to experience in life and at this time of year it can make things feel even harder. When you’re young we know that bereavement can be even more difficult. The death of a family member, friend or even someone you barely know can have a huge impact on how you feel. There is support and advice available to help get you through it, so please don’t suffer in silence, click on the links below to find out more now.

Supporting students: Nudes
No one should ever make you feel that you owe them a nude picture. Even if you’re comfortable with sexual chat or photos, it doesn’t mean you have to send a naked picture, or you’ve ‘led someone on’ if you don’t send one. You don’t have to do anything you’re uncomfortable with. There are ways to say no.